Tie number 3!

I think I have cracked it πŸ™‚

Attempt number 3. This time I used the proper fabric and took my time over it all, took about 5-6 hours in total I expect. Same pattern I cut out from my skinny tie last time, but I added on about a centimetre extra one each side, and cut the fabric with the bias this time. Much easier to work with if you do that, there is a reason they tell you to it seems…


The finished article, not too bad at all πŸ™‚

Look how neat it is…

The lining was much neater this time, I had the genius idea of turning the tie inside out and sewing it, then reversing it afterwards, which was a lot easier thas the slip stitching I was doing before, especially as satin is a nightmare to work with.

X marks the spot

I even managed to put a little X shaped holding stitch at each end, to give it a little more of a “finished” look.

Seems a good seam

Plus, I managed to do an invisible ladder stitch up the centre line, which I’m very proud of. In fact I very proud of the finished article, not bad for my third ever tie, or even my third ever hand-sewn thing at all!

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